blessings and the search for answers

Tuesday, January 24, 2012
I really haven't shared much here about my knee. I've had two falls at school... one last year, which started the trouble, and then again right before Christmas break. Long story short... I've hurt my knee. The MRI shows a possible tear and a possible fracture. I use the word possible because that is what is written in the MRI report. I'm not a dr, although I give out band aids on a daily basis. I go Wednesday to see an orthopedic who specializes in sports medicine and knees. I'm scared. Part of me is scared that there is nothing wrong and the pain that I am feeling is in my head. The other part is scared that this something that will need surgery. I've cried off and on for the past few days... just not sure how to feel. I want answers. Real answers... the kind of answers that are definitive. I'll hopefully get those answers tomorrow at 1:40pm.

In all this I've realized some of the true blessings in my life, and you know they haven't come from expected places. These blessings have come out of the blue... from people I never expected. I'm blessed. I know that and it humbles me to the core. It gives me the drive to face this knee stuff and the desire to get back on my feet. If you pray... please thank God for the unexpected blessings in your life. He put them there just for you. and if you think about it... say a prayer for me. I truly want this knee healed, the kind of healed that will allow me to return to my weight loss goals.


  1. I do believe in prayer. I'll be praying. (I don't know about your weight loss goals, but if you need some inspiration in the midst of this frustrating time, I invite you to visit my best friend's weight loss blog. She recently lost 133 pounds. She's only posted twice and just today included before/after pics.

    Forever in First

  2. Hope you get your answers and feel better soon! =)
    First Grade Blue SKies

  3. Thinking of you! Hoping that the pain subsides and you find answers soon! :)
    Your drive and optimism is contagious, so thank you!


  4. Karen,

    I will be sending prayers you way. Have you ever heard Laura Story's song "Blessings"? It is one of the songs I turn to when I am in going through many storms...a verse from another one of my favorite's songs is "sometimes He calms the storm and at other times His child."

    sending bloggy blessings and hugs,
    Heather's Heart


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