Celebration TIME!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012
Yesterday I left the pre k interview feeling good and headed to lunch with a buddy from out of town. As we sat talking about the interviews that I have had and what I thought I text came in. The text read:

Can you do a phone interview? Now?

This was from the principal at dream job 1. I had taught in his building a few years ago on a temporary basis. Of course sitting at lunch in a LOUD restaurant is no where you want to have a phone interview. So I decided to respond with "I am currently at US Pizza eating lunch with a friend from out of town. Could it be possible to schedule the interview for a bit later". (My husband DIED when I told him my response!) I answered this way because 1) we had not set up a time for an interview, 2) I was with someone I only see once a year, and 3) I really would not be able to concentrate on the interview. The response:

I would call if you want this job. I would hate to have to give it to someone else.

I called! The funny thing is that I am going back to teach with a friend, and she had been ducking my calls since the first interview. She told me later that she new the plan and couldn't share it with me in case the district decided not to let me transfer. So last night I raced to my old school (WOW!! old school) and boxed some things up, came up with a plan, and lined up some help. Then I came home praising God the whole way! 

Today I pushed my knee to the extreme and moved my room. I had decided back in May to bring a LOT home this summer. Boy am I glad I did that or I would be moving for WEEKS! With the help of my youngest (he's going in 5th grade) and my mother in law we moved the majority of what needed to be moved while DH took the oldest to the orthodontist. After lunch DH came back and helped me move the last little bit! So now everything is DUMPED into my room. I tell you it's a nightmare! I snapped these pictures standing in the middle of my room. I hope that I am able to knock it out of the ball park tomorrow!! Heck I hope I can find everything! 

here is a peek at what I left tonight...

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