What ya' reading this summer?

Friday, June 10, 2016
Hey Y'all!

I've been on summer vacation for all of 5 days and I still can't believe that the summer time has finally arrived. This summer I have a couple of books that I want to read. But I also want to know what you are reading this summer. So here is my summer reading list....

I've already started 17000 Classroom Visists Can't be wrong and I'm in LOVE!!! This books would make a gear book study for a school or team. Since I am unsure of what I'll be teaching this year my view point has shifted from what I apply specifically to K to looking at the bigger picture. The authors actually suggest viewing this book through the lens of big picture first, specific to you second.

So tell me... what are you reading this summer?


  1. I'm thinking of reading Debbie Dillars Math Workstations.

  2. I'm thinking of reading Debbie Dillars Math Workstations.


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